NSF Travel Awards

These awards will support student and postdoc travel to FNANO25. The link below supports applications for either or both the Seeman Student Travel Award and the NSF Travel Award.

All applications are due by Feb. 14th. We do not anticipate giving both awards simultaneously to any applicants, but we encourage all eligible applicants to apply for both.

Please submit your conference abstract prior to applying for funding, as we will need your abstract title and easy chair submission number.

Note: We anticipate the Seeman Student Travel Award to provide $1000, and the NSF Travel Award to provide $400.

Volunteering & Travel Support

In addition to the Seeman Student Travel Award, we can provide waived registration to a limited number of students who wish to volunteer to help organize the conference.

Interested applicants should contact Jacob.Majikes@nist.gov by the abstract deadline.

While our capacity to support volunteers is limited, we are extremely appreciative of those who hope to be more involved in our community.