Abstract Submission
All presenters (including invited speakers) must submit a 1-2 page PDF abstract that describes the approach and main findings of the work to be presented. This abstract, if the presentation is accepted by the track chair and program committee, will be published in the electronic abstract book. Please adhere to the Guidelines for Abstracts and review the Agreement given below
Submission Deadline:
February 1, 2025
March 1, 2025
Early Registration Deadline:
March 5, 2025
Abstracts must be submitted through the NANO24 Abstract Submission Website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fnano2025
Abstract Submission DEADLINE: February 1, 2025. Even if your talk is invited, you still need to submit an abstract by this date.
Please check the track descriptions to see where your submission will best fit; if in doubt about which track is appropriate, ask the relevant track chair(s).
If you have not used the Easychair system before you will be asked to open an Author account.
Decisions: March 1, 2025. Most abstracts are accepted as posters. Some are selected as invited or contributed talks by the track chairs.
Length: 1-2 pages including all figures and text.
Format: 8.5 x 11 inch paper (Please use US standard letter paper; if you use A4 size paper, the bottom of the text may get cut off in production), no page numbers or running heading/footers (these will be added during the production of the abstract book), 1" margins.
Font: Arial or Helvetica.
Title: 14 pt. bold, do not use all caps, include a blank line after the title.
Authors and affiliations: 12 pt. italic, include email address for the corresponding author and underline presenting author, include 2 blank lines after the author list.
Abstract text: 12 pt. single-spaced, justified right margin (so the text appears as a block without ragged edges).
Abstract figures: Please include an informative caption for any figure, scheme, or illustration in your abstract. The abstract book will be issued on the conference CD, and these electronic figures will appear in color.
By submitting an abstract to FNANO, you agree to the following conditions:
An author or coauthor (including keynote, invited, and solicited speakers) will register, attend the meeting, and make the presentation as scheduled.
All clearances, including government, intellectual property, and company clearance, have been obtained to present and publish.
All co-authors have been informed of the submission and agree to it.
The program chairs are authorized to circulate your abstract to the track chairs for review and selection purposes.
Accepted abstracts may be published after April 1, 2025 in print and web programs promoting the conference; web programs will be available on the FNANO website.
Only original material should be submitted.